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Muddy Green Smoothie

Replenishing and rejuvenating your cells is an important ritual that we should focus on when it comes to overall health. Just by adding 1 superfood per day will help to get you on the right track when it comes to heart health, your blood flow, and digestive trac.

The Muddy Green smoothie is a combination of leafy greens and a mix of cherries and berries. Because getting a good amount of nutrients and minerals in my body, I’ve been creating various smoothie recipes that are simple, quick and affordable to make.

This smoothie helps to relieve stress in your cells and help to support a healthy digestive system. the lime helps to relieve constipation, improve heart health, joints, supports healthy blood sugar levels and assists with regulating your temperature.  With the added parsley, it increases the strength of vitamin K which promotes bone strength and assists with limiting neuronal brain damage. You may be wondering what is neuronal brain damage. Neuronal brain damage is a condition where there’s inflammation in the brain in addition to a break down of the blood-brain barrier.

Benefits: Loaded with Vitamin A & C, B-6, Protein, Fiber, Magnesium, potassium.


1 cup coconut water

4 collard green leaves

2 parsley sprigs

1 cup cherries

1/2 cup blueberries

1 lime


Blend all ingredients until desired smoothness. Approximately 2-3 minutes

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